Trying to Focus

There’s a lot going on in this college girl’s life right now.  I’m in the middle of summer term classes, which I’m pleased to report, are going well.  They’re not at all food-related (Intro to Business and Sales Principles), so while I AM enjoying them, I’m looking forward to the fall term, when I’ll be able to start cooking again!

I’m having a hard time focusing on my school work, though.  For the first time in almost 2 years, I’m feeling like I need to put my education on low heat so that I can take care of more important matters.  I don’t want to forget my schooling altogether…absolutely NOT…. but I do need to focus on two “biggies” right now.

1.  Lack of finances.  It’s the same old song and dance… the horrid economy.  My hours at work have been cut to 12 per week, which is not nearly enough for me to live on.  I could just run out and apply for a full time job, but my problem is that I’m registered for 15 credits this fall, and I need every one of those classes if I want to graduate and move on to bigger things in my life.  Working in a job around school hours is not an easy task, and the job market still isn’t where it should be right now.  My search for a flexible, part-time job that pays more than minimum wage continues….

2.  My health.  Some of my friends have queried on the point of my obtaining a degree if I won’t be around very long to use it.  Their questions and concerns are valid, but graduating from college will be the realization of a lifelong dream for me, as well as the completion of a commitment I made to myself.  I simply must graduate.  End of story.  I just hope that I don’t end up burning the candle at both ends like I did last December.  I can’t financially or emotionally afford another hospital stay, and with as serious as my condition has become, my hematologist doesn’t think that my body will last more than a couple of more years.  I told him that I respect his opinion, but that he needs to stand in line behind God… He’s the ONLY one with all of the answers!

Besides, I need and want to feel sick right now.  I’m crazy, right?  Not so much.  There’s a very important reason for my saying this.

I need to hurt right now, because it will serve as a reminder that there are people who are suffering more than I am. I ALWAYS want to keep that in perspective. I need active reminders that although I am dealing with some rather serious health issues of my own right now, they pale in comparison to what others are enduring. There are those whose health is so poor that they don’t have the ability to sit in front of a computer and get their thoughts written out like I do. There are people who need and deserve my full attention and prayer right now. One such person is a dear friend of mine, Vic Berry.

Vic and his sweet wife Cindy have been my friends for over 20 years. They live in a small coastal town in mid-eastern Florida. I met them through the church I attended in Merritt Island, Florida. They’re the kind of warm-hearted, sincere, giving people that would and have bent over backwards for a friend in need. They’re always thinking of others and placing their needs on the back burner to minister to others. I admire them both so much. They were an invaluable part of my support system during the bitter end to my first marriage. When I moved back to Wisconsin from Florida in 1995, I was sure I’d never seem them again because they were also good friends with my ex-husband. As is the case with many divorces, mutual friends of my ex and I felt like they had to choose one friend over the other. Because I was moving away, I was not the chosen friend. I respected their decision, but I was saddened to be losing them as friends. However, I was extremely grateful that they would be able to remain a supportive force in the lives of my young children, who stayed behind in Florida to live with their dad.

Unbeknownst to me, God had other plans. Thirteen years after I moved back to Wisconsin, the Berry’s and I were reconnected through Facebook. I was elated to have them back in my life after all of those years. Our friendship rekindled seamlessly and we picked up right where we had left off. Although I’ve yearned to see them in person again, the opportunity hasn’t been there for me to do so. Now it’s not a matter of desire… I truly feel like I MUST make a visit. Time is of the essence. You see, Vic was diagnosed last Thursday with an aggressive form of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He is about to embark on a 6-month journey through a living hell… with hopes of a victory of healing at the end of the long road. All of us who love Vic are shocked and heartsick at his diagnosis. If you’d like to help, please join me in praying for Vic and his family. They can use as many prayers as possible right now. Thank you…

Because I also care about you, my dear reader, I want you to be educated and healthy. Here are some great foods to feed your mind and body with. These are amazingly healthy, delicious ways to help keep your body functioning at its best:

Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens are full of Lutein, vitamin A, and Folate, which may help prevent colon and ovarian cancer. Spinach, kale, collard greens, arugula, and dandelion greens are packed with nutrients and flavor.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, watercress, and Swiss chard all have tons of phytochemicals, which can lower the risk of breast and stomach cancers.


Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, and red grapes are abundant in antioxidants, which can help repair cell damage.


Tomatoes contain antioxidants and Lycopene, which can lower the risk of stomach and lung cancer.

Here’s a great article by Mara Bateman that explains what antioxidants and free radicals are, and it outlines the top 10 foods that fight free radicals. You can access the article here.

This week’s recipe is a great one for keeping nasty cancer cells far away from your body. The dish is loaded with antioxidants, it helps to fight free radicals, and it tastes delicious, too!

Chicken, Bacon, and Walnut Strawberry Salad with Honey-Lime Vinaigrette

1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast, grilled

¼ cup shaved carrot

4 cups fresh baby spinach or other dark leafy greens

1 cup sliced fresh strawberries

1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese

3 slices crisply cooked bacon, crumbled

1/2 cup toasted walnuts

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

2 tablespoons honey

2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice

1/2 cup olive oi

lsalt and ground black pepper to taste


Whisk the balsamic vinegar, lime juice, and honey together in a bowl; slowly stream the olive oil into the mixture while whisking continuously. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle the dressing over the salad just before serving.

Combine the greens, bacon, strawberries, Gorgonzola cheese, grilled chicken, and walnuts into a large bowl.

Until we meet again, may you be safe, happy, healthy, and blessed!


A Night to Remember

Confession: Thanks to my self abuse esteem, I’ve never been very good at accepting compliments. As the saying goes, “’tis better to give than to receive”. I believe wholeheartedly in that sentiment. I would much rather recognize the good in others than have compliments directed toward me. What’s more, I enjoy being the center of attention nearly as much as having my teeth drilled. So when I learned that I’d been nominated for the Fox Valley Technical College’s “Achievement Against the Odds” Award, a golf ball sized lump made an instant appearance in my throat. Don’t misunderstand…I was extremely humbled and honored that not one, but TWO of the staff members at the Tech felt that I was worthy of the award, but I didn’t believe that I was deserving of such an incredible award.  I was also frozen with fear that I might WIN…requiring me to give an acceptance speech in front of a room full of people. May I please have a shot of Novocain with that?

A few weeks later, the winners were announced…. *Insert the Halleluiah Chorus here*

In recognition of our hard work, determination, and drive to succeed in our programs of study, despite physical and/or emotional obstacles that would have otherwise prevented us from doing so, 4 other recipients and I were chosen. I was and am touched beyond words.

There was a wonderful banquet held for us, with an incredible dinner service that was prepared and served by my peers from the restaurant operations class. Everything from the place cards on the table, to the exquisitely plated Caprese salad, and the perfectly seasoned beef shoulder steak with mushroom burgundy reduction (MAJOR YUM!) were absolutely perfect.

Even my acceptance speech went pretty well. My eyes welled with tears a few times, especially went I heard the heart wrenching stories given by the other winners, but I was able to maintain my composure enough to properly thank everyone involved with making it a night to remember. Everyone that is, except for the two most important ones. First, thanks and acknowledgement go to my almighty Father God. Without His love, mercy, and healing powers, I would surely not be here today to write this post. Secondly, I want to thank the love of my life, Brian Donovan. How INCREDIBLY embarrassing it was for me to realize that I had failed to recognize and thank the one person who has stood by my side to support, comfort, and encourage me through every single one of the trials, challenges, illnesses, and battles that I’ve faced over the past few years. I fall in love with him more every day and can’t imagine my life without him.

OK…enough of the sappiness… let’s talk FOOD!

Brian and I will be embarking on a new food plan this Monday. I refuse to call it a diet. That’s such an ugly 4-letter word for a change in portion sizes and food selection. At any rate, primary focus will be placed on digesting less sugar and more fruits and vegetables. I will also be finding HEALTHY carbohydrate choices for us to eat in place of the morning bagel schmeared with Nutella and/or cream cheese. Don’t you worry, though…EVERYTHING in moderation will be the mantra around here. I will never completely release my inner bacon and butter loving addictions, either. I’d never be able to live with myself, and you would never be able to handle my rants! Incidentally, I have a personal blog in addition to this one. It’s called Feed Your Inner Chef. I haven’t posted there in several months, but if there’s interest shown by you, my dear readers, I could start posting there again, placing primary focus on my progress towards what I hope will be weight loss and road to a healthier life.  Just leave a comment on this post and/or shoot me an email to let me know what you’d like to see.

I’ve been pouring over recipes at my favorite food sites, and I found a recipe that looks perfect for Monday night’s dinner. If the dish tastes as beautiful as it looks, this will be a delicious adventure to health!

I’m going to make oven roasted asparagus and some brown rice to serve along with it. Thanks to Nancy at for the recipe, photos, and inspiration. I need to find a recipe for low carb dinner rolls to go with that dinner, but for now, maybe I’ll make a batch of Christina’s incredible THIN MINT SWIRL brownies. After all, I still have 2 days left to binge all things cream cheese!